The platform offers standard security measures, including identity verification, trading passwords and anti-phishing phrases.The platform provides access to more than 100 cryptocurrencies and offers 0-fee trading with digital assets like BTC, and 0 maker-fee trading for all BUSD trading pairs including ETH, DOGE, SOL, MATIC and more..


BCTEX Global is one of the most secure cryptocurrency exchanges out there. Security is its main selling point. The platform is easy to use. If your crypto trading is mostly in popular currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, or Zcash, you'll probably enjoy using BCTEX Global..

.No margin trading or leveraged trades..

Ultimately, BCTEX has some really good security controls in place to ensure that your funds are kept safe. They don't allow anonymous accounts and they have a team of employees who are there to monitor suspicious activity. Although no cryptocurrency is ever 100% safe, Bithumb is one of the most secure. The other exchange platforms such as Binance, Huobi Global, OKX, Coinbase, Bithumb and etc.BCTEX is a cryptocurrency exchange that has a somewhat unusual offer. It is a digital asset-only exchange, which means it is not as friendly to newcomers to crypto hedging. As you can see, BCTEX is a specific platform in many ways. First, it doesn't offer to deposit and withdraw using conventional money..

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